Since launching the UK-SBA Register and the new Website we have been very grateful to receive your feedback. In response to your comments regarding UK-SBA Membership, Registration and Renewals we have published some new information on our website specifically addressing these three subjects.
We have created a detailed guide to joining the UK-SBA that you will find on our Become a Member of the UK-SBA page. On this page you will find a link to our new guide to completing our registration form Registering as a New UK-SBA Member: Queries and Guidance. This guide will take you through the whole registration form field by field and will answer some common queries about joining the UK-SBA.
Another new page is our Members Frequently Asked Questions page. This page has been created using common questions and queries that we have received from our UK-SBA Members.
We have also recently added a Membership Renewals page. On this page you will find information useful for when you are coming up to renewing your UK-SBA membership. This page includes a detailed guide to membership renewals, Renewing UK-SBA Membership: Queries and Guidance. This guide will take you through the renewal process from start to finish and will answer some common queries about the renewal process.
Please visit our Membership tab to find all of these pages.
We hope you will find these new pages useful and we hope you will continue to feedback your comments and queries.