Board of Governors

The UK-SBA Board of Governors will consist of up to 11 members, comprising:

  • 6 full members (elected by full members)
  • 2 affiliate members (elected by affiliate members)
  • Up to 3 co-opted members, in order to address any relevant skill requirements deemed necessary by the board. Co-opted members will be appointed by the Board of Governors and may or may not be full members of the Society.


From among the six full members elected to the Board, there will be four officers:

  • President
  • President Elect
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

Period of Office

Board members (including any co-opted members) will serve a 2-year period of office, with a maximum of two consecutive terms of office for any individual Board member (i.e. total of 4 years consecutive service maximum). Individuals may stand again for election after a one-year absence from the Board. Elections will be staggered annually, with half the Board membership standing down (and/or for re-election) each year.

Officers will hold a two-year term of office. The Secretary and Treasurer will be entitled to stand for re-appointment immediately for one further two-year term.

The President will hold a two-year term of office and be replaced by the President Elect.

The President Elect will be elected on the basis that s/he will succeed as President when the current President’s term of office is over.

Elections for President Elect will take place in advance of the time when the President is to stand down.