These are difficult times for everyone across the globe.  We hope that you, your families, friends, and colleagues are keeping safe and well.

We want to assure you that the UK-SBA Board remains focussed on protecting both consumers and behaviour analytic practitioners.  UK-SBA Members will have already received information regarding how to participate remotely in our Annual General Meeting on 30 March.  We also would like to assure you that we have moved forward with submitting our application to the BACB regarding maintaining certification processes in the UK.  We will keep you updated as and when we hear back from the BACB.

During these uncertain times, taking care of one another - and ourselves - is paramount.  Although we all are behaviour analysts, we sometimes overlook the benefits of behaviour analytic strategies in our own lives.  We have posted some strategies on our Facebook page that might be helpful and which, we hope, will prompt others to share their suggestions.

If you are not already a member of our Facebook Page it is very easy to join us – simply click the link below and when asked “what your interest in behaviour analysis is” give an answer of just a sentence; if you are a UK-SBA member you may just write “I am a UK-SBA member”.

Take care,