The UK-SBA Elections Committee opened the voting process on Monday 28th October 2019 to elect three members to fill three positions of Director to the Board.
In accordance with our Governing Document, the UK-SBA Elections Committee invited all Full, Associate and Practising Registrants to vote for three separate candidates from the four candidates standing for the posts.
Due to a change in circumstances one of the candidates notified the Elections Committee she could no longer stand as a candidate after the elections process opened and therefore the available roles were offered to the three remaining candidates. We are very pleased to announce all three accepted.
The members poll is no longer required and was closed on Tuesday 29th October 2019. All members eligible to vote have been emailed with a full update and explanation.
The new Directors to the Board will be announced following ratification by the membership at our next Annual General Meeting early next year (date to be confirmed).
Thank you again to all of members who took part in the nominations and the elections process.