Student Membership

Student Membership


Please note Student Members do not feature on our searchable Register as they are non-practising.

Please go to our field by field Guide to Completing the Registration Form if you need any guidance completing the form.


Student membership of the UK-SBA is open to applicants currently enrolled on an undergraduate or postgraduate course or module in Behaviour Analysis with an ABAI/BACB Verified Course Sequence.

Student members must not be practising.

If you are both a student and are practising you must join the UK-SBA according to your existing certification, qualification or experience.

Evidence Required

Completed UK-SBA template letter of support from a University, College, School staff member verifying course or module enrolment and evidence of ABAI/BACB Verified Course Sequence. 

The UK-SBA Reference template created for this purpose should be completed by your staff member and attached as your supporting evidence.

Membership Commitments

As a member you must agree to abide by the UK-SBA Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct and the Complaints Procedure.

As a member you will provide all references to your prospective employer on their request.

Continuing Education Requirements

As a student you fulfil your commitment to continuing education by virtue of your studies therefore this does not need to be evidenced.


  • Reduced membership fee
  • Student members studying UK-based courses are eligible to stand for election to the Board of Directors as Student Representative
  • Full access to UK-SBA Job Board
  • Student members may enter the Student Award
  • Student members are automatically entered in to the UK-SBA Student’s quarterly free prize draw
  • Student membership also entitles members to Student discounts on UK-SBA event registration, discounts on EABG and EABA conference registration, and access to members-only website areas

Note: Student members are not searchable for work on the UK-SBA Register.  If you are both a student and are practising you must join the UK-SBA according to your existing certification, qualification or experience.

Voting: Student members may nominate for and vote in the elections for the Student Representative to the Board of Directors

To Register 

Please go to our field by field Guide to Completing the Registration Form if you need any guidance completing the form.

Membership Fee : £25.00 per year

Apply for Student Membership

Please fill every box in the form below - if a box is not relevant to you please just add N/A. Your answers to the following questions will create your searchable profile and it is therefore essential you put an answer for each question. You cannot submit your form unless you have provided an answer for each field.

First Name*
Last Name*
Post Code*
Public Phone Number
Public Email Address
Job Title*
Areas of Expertise and Number of Years Practising
?Please enter number of years experience; enter "none" where you do not have experience in that field
Mainstream Education*
Learning Disabilities (Adult)*
Organisational Behaviour Management*
Learning Disabilities (Children)*
?Please list any other areas of expertise not included in the list above and number of years experience in this area.
?Please list relevant degree(s)/qualification(s) including awarding body and date of award
(you will need to provide evidence or your certificant number for each qualification you list when you upload your supporting evidence at the end of the regsitration process)
Other Information
Practicing Status*
?Please select practicing status you would like displayed on your searchable profile.
Photo* (The recommended size for profile image is 460 x 560 pixels)

    All Members must answer all the following questions. Any practitioner who is working or seeking employment MUST hold insurance (either as part of their employment contract with their employer OR independent insurance). Any practitioner who is working with vulnerable populations MUST hold a current disclosure and safeguarding training for the population they work with. You MUST upload evidence of your Disclosure, Safeguarding and Current Insurance to your account if you want to appear as searchable as available for work and/or offering supervision. You MUST upload your supporting evidence at the end of this registration form.

    Student members should answer No to Offering Supervision and Available for Work as Student members do not appear on the searchable register. These questions are therefore not relevant to Student members.

    Offering Supervision*
    I am available for work*
    I hold a current disclosure (i.e. DBS, Access NI, Disclosure Scotland) at the level appropriate to the population I work with. (Acquired within 3 years of my registration date with the UK-SBA)*
    ?Evidence is compulsory if you are available for work and/or offering supervision We understand there are difficulties for independent, self-employed practitioners obtaining an enhanced disclosure if they cannot access an employer to apply for one on their behalf. We are exploring alternative routes for our members with the authorities, as this is a clear anomaly in the system. But in the meantime, please submit a basic disclosure.
    My Insurance is current*
    ?Evidence is compulsory if you are available for work and/or offering supervision.
    I have completed Safeguarding Training at the level appropriate to the population I work with. (Acquired within 3 years of my registration date with the UK-SBA)*
    ?Evidence is compulsory if you are available for work and/or offering supervision
    I have read and agree to abide by the UK-SBA Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct *
    I have read and agree the UK-SBA Complaints Procedure *
    I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the GDPR Policy Documents for UK-SBA Membership *
    I understand I will only be contactable via the register if I have opted for and been approved as searchable for work and/or offering supervision.
    I confirm I am a resident of the UK and I confirm I am eligible to work in the UK.
    I hereby declare that the information I have provided for membership of the UK-SBA is true and correct. I understand that any deliberate dishonesty may result in refusal of this application or termination of membership.
    Upload supporting documents for your account. This could be supporting evidence for the following: your chosen level of membership (certificates and/or official transcripts, a completed letter of support), qualifications cited (certificates and/or official transcripts), safeguarding certificate(s), evidence of your Disclosure, CPD evidence.
    Please do not upload your insurance evidence here, this should be done via the link “Upload Insurance Documents” on your Dashboard.
    A CV is NOT accepted as evidence – please do not upload your CV
    All information must be evidenced by uploading relevant documents:
    • Undergraduate/Postgraduate Academic Qualifications such as PGDip/Msc/PhD - certificates or transcripts required for all relevant qualifications you list
    • Professional Qualifications such as BCBA/BCaBA/CABAS/RBT -certificant number required for all, you may supply your cerificate. If you are searchable for work you MUST provide your DBS certificate, Insurance Certificate, CPD Certificates letters of reference etc
    • Please note we cannot approve your membership without all required supporting evidence - if you do not have an electronic version of your certificate(s) please provide a clear photograph or scanned image of your certificate(s).
    • For those providing a letter of support (Associate, Affiliate, Student Categories) you must use and upload our letter template downloadable from the "Evidence Required" section at the top of the form - your CV is not acceptable as supporting evidence.
    Upload documents*
      Username *
      Password *
      Confirm Password *
      If you have any current unspent sanctions or have been struck off any other register(s)/ relevant bodies then you have a duty to disclose this to the UK-SBA at the time of applying for or renewing membership. If you have any one of these you must tick the relevant statement below. If you respond in the affirmative, your application for membership or renewal will still be considered and you will be invited by the UK-SBA to provide further information.
      I do not have any current unspent sanctions from any employer/other professional register/relevant body. I have not been struck off any other register or relevant body.
      I do have a current unspent sanction(s) from an employer/other professional register/relevant body. I have been struck off another register or relevant body.