The UK-SBA Conference will take place on 24th and 25th March 2025 and the Workshops on 26th March 202

Submissions are now CLOSED.

We welcome submissions that reflect the breadth of behaviour analytic practice and research.

Deadlines relevant to submissions and presenters are outlined below:

(All correspondence should be sent to the Events Team at [email protected])

Date Action
10th January 2025
  • Submission for papers, panels, symposia, workshops is now CLOSED
29th January 2025
  • The last date for Submission acceptance notifications and rejection notifications sent via email.
28th February 2025
  • Schedule for event released.


Please consider all the information below before submitting an abstract.

  • The conference is fully in person, and we will not be accepting any virtual presentations.
  • Abstracts may be submitted for a symposium or for an individual paper (see below).
  • When submitting an abstract you will need to select up to 3 themes to align your abstract to.
  • We also welcome proposals for panel discussions.
  • Presenters are still required to register and pay for the event- we request you do so within two weeks of your abstract being accepted in order for us to confirm presenters and finalize the programme.


Theme Please select up to three areas
ABA schools
Children and Young People with additional needs.
Digital Technology
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Ethics and values
Forensic populations (prisons etc)
Mainstream education intervention.
PBS adults with Intellectual disabilities
PBS adults with mental health, dementia, acquired brain injury.
Subject instruction
System wide change
Theory and methodologies
Wellbeing, mental health and quality of life
Other please specify:




  • Symposia will be scheduled as 1 hour 40-minute sessions to include time for attendees to ask questions and must include at least 3 papers plus a discussant or 4 papers.
  • 300- 500 word abstract of the symposium – it must have a clear focus and all individual papers within the symposium must be related to the theme of the symposium.
  • The title of each individual paper is required and its abstract (see below) as well as the presenter’s full name.
  • By applying for a symposium spot you are agreeing to provide the 3 papers- this can be multiple speakers but you apply as a joint unit with one person being the main contact. Each person must register as an individual to attend (see above)
  • We will require a symposium title

Individual Papers

  • Individual Papers will be grouped into coherent symposia (based on the areas you selected above) of up to three papers in a 50 minute session. (15 minutes per speaker and 5 minutes for questions). These sessions will have the discussion at the end of the session rather than after each paper. The final presenter for each paper presentation slot will serve as the session chair.
  • 150-300 word abstracts must be submitted
  • We require a title for each abstract.

Panel Discussion

  • 300- 500 word abstract is required along with information regarding the suggested amount of time the activity will take.
  • All panel members/presenters names are required.
  • Please include the suggested amount of time the panel discussion will take.
  • We require a tile for the panel discussion.

Workshop/ Activity

  • Workshops will take place on Wednesday 26th March 2025
  • Sessions will be 3 or 6 hours in length.
  • Please submit a title and learning objectives and the length of time for the workshop.

All submissions should comply with the standards set out in the UK-SBA Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct.

and must be consistent with the values of the UK-SBA.

All correspondence should be sent to the Events Team at [email protected]