UK-SBA Register Accredited by Professional Standards Authority

for Health and Social Care

We are delighted to announce that our register has been accredited under the Professional Standards Authority’s Accredited Registers programme.

The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) is an independent statutory body, accountable to Parliament.  It oversees regulators such as the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and General Medical Council (GMC) and accredits the registers of organisations such as the British Psychological Society and The British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy.

UK-SBA Registrants working in health and social care will be able to display the Accredited Register Quality Mark, a clear sign that they belong to a register which meets the PSA’s demanding standards.

Accreditation is an invisible safety net and offers enhanced protection to consumers who now have the option of choosing practitioners on a register that has been vetted and approved.  Click here to find out more.

Dr Marguerite Hoerger, President of the UK-SBA, said: “We’re proud to be accredited by the PSA – their Quality Mark is a clear sign that practitioners on the UK-SBA register have met our standards.”