We are delighted to announce our next Speaker’s Series, which will be held 2-3 December 2021 via BehaviorLIVE.
We have three incredible speakers arranged for this event, who will speak on topics recommended by our members over two days.
DAY 1: Dr Lauren Beaulieu and Dr Corina Jimenez-Gomez will lead a workshop entitled Delivering Culturally Responsive Behavior Analytic Services, which will help attendees differentiate between cultural competence, cultural responsiveness, and cultural humility. Importantly, it also will provide strategies for conducting more culturally responsive assessments, designing more culturally responsive treatments, and engaging in more culturally responsive supervision practices. This workshop is scheduled 2 December from 14:00-17:00 BST.
(3 UK-SBA CPDs/BACB CEUs are on offer for this workshop - included in the registration fee)
DAY 2: Dr Jonathan Tarbox will lead a workshop entitled Self-Care for Behaviour Analysts, which will focus on how ACT and mindful self-compassion training can be used to address stress and burnout in behaviour analysts. Attendees will learn a range of strategies that they can put into practice in their daily lives, which will help them thrive as behaviour analytic practitioners, researchers, and supervisors. This workshop is scheduled 3 December from 16:00-19:00 BST.
(3 UK-SBA CPDs/BACB CEUs are on offer for this workshop - included in the registration fee)
Visit the UK-SBA Events Page for full information and to register.
UK-SBA members are eligible for reduced registration fees, so be sure to log into the website before registering.
If you are not already a member or your membership has expired now is a good time to join/renew and make the most of the membership discount!
We look forward to seeing you in December!