The following information is for anyone who organises or receives ABA services – for example, a parent of a child with autism, a social care provider that employs Positive Behavioural Support practitioners, or an ABA school.

Individuals occasionally contact us to express concerns about people who offer ABA services without appearing to possess the requisite skills.  With this in mind, and in line with our goal of protecting consumers of ABA services, we would like to highlight the importance of checking practitioners’ credentials.

In May 2019 we launched the UK-SBA Register.  To join, practitioners must sign up to the UK-SBA Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct.  They must also evidence safeguarding training relevant to the population with which they work, professional indemnity insurance, and a current Disclosure certificate (DBS in England and Wales, Access NI in Northern Ireland and Disclosure, Disclosure Scotland in Scotland).   We therefore urge consumers in search of a practitioner to check the UK-SBA Register, which they can do by clicking here. 

As a way of demonstrating their status as professional UK-SBA Registrants, many of our members display the UK-SBA Membership Badge on email signatures, websites, business cards and marketing materials.  While this is a helpful way of conveying they meet standards relating to business practice, personal integrity and the protection of consumers of behaviour analytic services, it is important that consumers do not rely on the Badge alone.

To satisfy themselves that a practitioner is competent to deliver the ABA services they require, consumers should also review a practitioner’s profile on the UK-SBA Register .