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What is the UK-SBA Register? 

The UK-SBA is committed to protecting the public.  The Register provides reassurance to clients, employers and the general public that a registered practitioner adheres to high standards of competence and ethical practice.  All UK-SBA members, with the exception of Student members, appear on the UK-SBA Register. Therefore, anyone can search for UK-SBA members using the UK-SBA Register.

The UK-SBA Register follows all the principles and standards required by statutory and accreditation regulations and is the first step towards establishing an accredited register.

The UK-SBA Register is supported by Behaviour Analysts working independently and by those organisations that employ Behaviour Analysts in the UK.  The UK-SBA recognises the benefits that self-regulation followed by accreditation will bring in terms of protection and the safety and well being of users of Behaviour Analytic services.

The UK-SBA continues to work towards formal accreditation and recognition for Behaviour Analysts in the UK. This has been a major focus of our work since we were set up. You can read our position statement on accreditation here:
UK-SBA Position Statement on Accreditation.

Why the UK-SBA Register is important 

Consumers and those who commission services can see your registration and see that in line with other professions you are governed by professional standards

  • The Register is a useful advertising tool for members and is a free service for consumers
  • By signing up to the Register consumers can be reassured that you are practising safely

By signing up and agreeing to self-regulation you are supporting other Behaviour Analysts in the UK and helping us obtain assured register status in line with other UK professions.

Register Requirements


There are risks involved in the practice of Behaviour Analysis.  It is important that registrants have adequate insurance to cover these risks including professional liability insurance and public liability insurance (employer's liability may also apply if you employ other staff).  Usually your employer will be responsible for your insurance, but if you are an independent practitioner you will need to arrange your own insurance cover.  To go on the UK-SBA Register you will need to provide evidence of appropriate insurance.

UK-SBA has made arrangements with Towergate (http://www.towergateinsurance.co.uk/liability-insurance ) for appropriate cover.

Ethical Guidelines

All members are required to sign up to the UK-SBA Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct.


All those who wish to register must comply with relevant legislation which impacts on their working practice. This includes:

Equality Act 2010

Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974

General Data Protection Regulation 2018

Data Protection Act 1998

Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations amended May 2011

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Human Rights Act 1998

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

Codex Alimentarius, established 1963

Safeguarding and Disclosures

You have a professional duty to safeguard and protect children and vulnerable adults.  You must follow advice from professionals and regulatory bodies.  To join the UK-SBA Register practitioners must provide 1) an up-to-date Disclosure and 2) evidence of Safeguarding training.


An Enhanced Disclosure is required for anybody who is working with children or vulnerable adults in the UK.  There are three providers for Disclosures across the UK:

Where a member is employed by an organisation and therefore has access to an Enhanced Disclosure this should always be supplied as supporting evidence rather than a Basic Disclosure.  We understand there are difficulties for independent, self-employed practitioners obtaining an Enhanced Disclosure if they cannot access an employer to apply for one on their behalf.  We are exploring alternative routes for our members with the authorities, as this is a clear anomaly in the system. But in the meantime if you are unable to obtain an Enhanced Disclosure please contact our Administrator for advice
[email protected] .

Any Disclosure must be renewed every 3 years as this is considered best practice and therefore mandatory for membership to the UK-SBA.


Safeguarding is a priority for best practice and as such, evidence of training appropriate for the population served is necessary for UK-SBA membership.  Any Safeguarding Training must be renewed every 3 years as this is considered best practice and therefore mandatory for membership to the UK-SBA.

There are a number of online safeguarding courses and it can be confusing to determine which course to choose.  First you should ensure you select one that is suitable for the population with whom you are working.  We have provided details below for the NSPCC.  You are not obliged to use the NSPCC but they are a reputable organisation who are established in delivering safeguarding training and so are a good first stop to understanding what a safeguarding course should include.

        • NSPCC Safeguarding training – If you work with children, the NSPCC offers an affordable online
          safeguarding course.
          The NSPCC also sends out a free weekly current awareness newsletter with practice, policy and research updates to keep you up-to-date with all the latest safeguarding and child protection news.

    Continuing Professional Development

    With the exception of Student Members, all members of the UK-SBA are required to complete and evidence Continuing Professional Development (CPD) during each year of their membership.

    The CPD requirement for existing members whose membership expires is 6 CPDs.  Evidence must be uploaded to a members account for approval.

  • The CPD requirement for all new members will be changing in 2024.  There will be an increase to 16 CPDs for annual certification for the UKBA(cert) and aUKBA(cert) levels.  The increase in CPDs required is to align with the requirements to maintain the new certifications, UKBA(cert) and aUKBA(cert).  Evidence must be uploaded to a members account for approval.  For Practising Registrants maintaining their UK-SBA membership the CPD requirement will remain at 6 CPDs.
  • We will be notifying all members fully of the forthcoming changes.
    For full guidance on accepted CPDs please see our accepted Continuing Professional Development Routes.

    Data Protection

    Practitioners must take into account the rights of clients and their own responsibilities under UK Data Protection legislation and other legal requirements.  This includes protecting information and data, including data held in a digital format. See Data Protection information:  http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/29/contents and the GDPR Privacy Policy.

    Complaints Procedure

    All registrants are asked to sign a declaration as part of the registering process that commits them to adhering to the UK-SBA Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct. The UK-SBA will expect members of the public to bring matters of unethical or poor practice to its attention. We will always encourage complainants to take the matter up with the practitioner or their organisation in the first instance. Any complainant will be asked to show evidence that they have done this before the UK-SBA will accept the complaint. If a complaint is received the registrant will be notified and sent a copy of all documentation. The complaint will be dealt with according to the UK-SBA Complaints Procedure.

    UK-SBA Member Badge

    Once a UK-SBA registrant has been fully approved they will be able to access their UK-SBA Member Badge from their UK-SBA account.  To be fully approved a registrant must have completed their account in full and provided all required supporting evidence as per the registration process.

    Once approved you will be able to download your membership badge.  You can use your membership badge on your signature, email and marketing materials to show you are UK-SBA registered.

    Please see the UK-SBA Registered Badge Guidelines for full terms and conditions of usage of the badge.


    To become a UK-SBA member and join the Register please click here: Join the UK-SBA