What can I expect from the UK-SBA Register?

We hope you can use this Register with confidence and check the person you have been allocated has the necessary skills and experience, or use the Register to find your own practitioner in your location, at a level you require and with the skills and experience you need.

As a professional community, we are committed to the ethical and professional conduct of Behaviour Analysis, the protection of members of the public who need our services and the protection of the populations we work with.

Those who are on our Register have signed up to the UK-SBA Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct, have demonstrated they have appropriate insurances for the work they do (either through their employer, or as an independent practitioner), and where applicable, have provided to the UK-SBA evidence of an appropriate and up-to-date Disclosure check and Safeguarding training.  If they have joined as an accredited member, UKBA(cert) or aUKBA(cert), their accreditation status has been checked.  It they have cited any training or qualification this will have been evidenced by the certificate awarded and/or official transcript.

We strongly advise you always request references and personally check all credentials for any practitioner you seek to employ.  

The criteria required for each category of membership are detailed on our registration pages, please click on our
"Join the UK-SBA" button to access these.  The education and training standards for such academic qualifications are given in our Standards of Education, Training and Experience document.

Please note that the UK-SBA does not check the right for any member searchable on our register to be eligible to work in the UK.