UK-SBA Register Accredited by Professional Standards Authority

for Health and Social Care

In January 2023, the UK-SBA’s register was accredited under the Professional Standards Authority’s Accredited Registers programme.  This provides additional peace of mind to anyone looking for a behaviour analytic practitioner as it demonstrates that the UK-SBA’s register meets the Authority’s high standards in governance, standard-setting, education and training, management of the register, complaints handling and information.

The Accredited Register Quality Mark shown below is visible on the profile pages of registrants who work in health and social care or education (you will find it next to their Membership Badge).

Please note that the PSA’s goal is to protect the public by improving the regulation and registration of people who work in health and social care.  Therefore, if a Registrant does not work in health and social care, PSA Accreditation will not apply to them and they will not receive the Quality Mark.  However, please be assured that for all of our working registrants, we have checked their qualifications, they have signed up to our Code of Ethical and Professional Practice and our Complaints Procedure, and all are required to complete Continuing Professional Development every year.

We would encourage you to share information about the UK-SBA's PSA accreditation and what this means for the profession of Behaviour Analysis.   This now provides accountability of Behaviour Analysts in the UK.  Registrants must meet a specific set of UK-SBA Public Protection Standards, specific qualifications and adhere to the UK-SBA Complaints Procedure.  We encourage you to share this information with any stakeholders as they now have a place to raise any concerns.  Registration with the UK-SBA therefore provides accountability for the services each practitioner provides.  We have prepared a letter of correspondence for all of our consumers to use to explain the importance of our PSA accreditation.  Please click on the link to access and share this letter:

UK-SBA Template Letter to All Stakeholders


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