UK-SBA Board Directors

The Board of Directors is comprised of up to 12 elected members and up to 12 Directors may be appointed by the Board. There are four officer roles within the Board; President, Chair, Secretary and Treasurer plus the elected Student Representative. Job descriptions are given in the UK-SBA Directors Manual.  New Board Members are to be assigned to their new committee(s) after the Annual General Meeting.

Suzy Yardley (Chair) Maggie Hoerger (President)
Kate Grant (Treasurer) Jo Westley (Secretary)
Leah Fennema (Co-Treasurer) Zahira Ali
Jessica Aviles Emma Craig
Jo Coulson James Kiamtia-Cooper
Laila Lachgar Jo Pyrah
Sheila Sekasi Risca Solomon
Andrew Swartfigure Marianne Wooldridge
Adele Yellow Nathan Bunyan (Student Representative)

Please click on the link to see the UK-SBA Structure Chart .  We operate through the elected board and its committees, the Advisory Board representing consumers, all supplemented by our Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
You may also view our UK-SBA Strategic Priorities 2022-2025.


UK-SBA Committees

Consumer Advisory Board

Purpose: The Consumer Advisory Board is made up of consumers of different UK behaviour analytic services, and informs the work of the Public Protection and Benefit Committee, ensuring that the UK-SBA board has real and current insights into the concerns and needs of the consumer groups it serves.

Jo Pyrah (Chair)

Independent Expert Advisory Group

Purpose: The Independent Expert Advisory Group, IEAG, provide a non-executive advisory function to the UK-SBA Board of Directors.  The IEAG is made up of independent professionals who are expert in specific areas that currently include; transition/ SEN advocate, director of consultancy agency with specialisms in charity and professional body governance, barrister and SEN advocate/safeguarding lead, SEN teacher and Head teacher,  Management Consultant for not-for-profit organisations and legal and complaints handling.  The members of the IEAG inform the work of the Public Protection and Benefit Committee to ensure there is independent, non-behaviour analytical oversight on all the work this committee does on behalf of the organisation.  The primary role of the IEAG is to ensure the rights and safety of the public are always at the heart of all UK-SBA decisions.


Public Protection and Benefit Committee

Purpose: This Committee includes all officers of the board and ensures public protection and benefit underpins the UK-SBA Board and its activities. This committee is also where the Complaints Secretary first brings complaints and where complaint review panels are assembled. This committee includes a working group for our Register of Behaviour Analysts, as well as our PSA Application Task Force.

Suzy Yardley (Chair) Nathan Bunyan Emma Craig Kate Grant
Jo Pyrah Sheila Sekasi Andrew Swartfigure Marianne Wooldridge

Strategic Planning Committee

Purpose: Ensure that through the process of effective governance the UK-SBA has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these. This committee includes working groups for Governance and Finance.

Leah Fennema (Chair) Zahira Ali Jessica Aviles Kate Grant
Georgiana Koyama (co-opted) Jo Westley Suzy Yardley

Executive Committee

Purpose: The committee membership is the four officers of the Board.  The committee ensures the UK-SBA is in compliance with its legal and fiduciary duties, reporting its findings and recommendations to the board, recommending action to the board for structural changes and is accountable for the board’s and the Society’s governance guidelines and policies with an emphasis on: Strategic / Policy Leadership, Clear Distinction of board roles, Encouragement of diversity in viewpoints and Collective rather than individual decisions.  This committee includes a working group for Elections. The UK-SBA currently has two Diversity Task Forces sitting under the Executive Committee.  Diversity has been highlighted by the Board, the membership and our consumers as a priority.

Suzy Yardley (Chair) Leah Fennema Kate Grant
Maggie Hoerger Jo Westley Marianne Wooldridge

                 Diversity Task Force for Racial Diversity:

Purpose: to report directly to the Executive Committee advising on all aspects related to racial diversity that arise.  To ensure the UK-SBA Board and wider organisation maintain racial diversity reflective of the membership and wider community.  To ensure all communications from the UK-SBA reflect our commitment to inclusion and equity with respect to race.  To offer advice and guidance relative to racial diversity to the Board and if required to the members and the public as requested.

                 Diversity Task Force for Neurodiversity:

Purpose: to report directly to the Executive Committee advising on all aspects related to neurodiversity that arise.  To ensure the UK-SBA Board and wider organisation demonstrate commitment to inclusivity with respect to neurodiversity through all activities and correspondence.  To ensure the UK-SBA Board and wider organisation maintain diversity reflective of the membership and wider community and demonstrate commitment to inclusivity and equity with respect to neurodiversity.


Membership Committee

Purpose: Ensure the sustainability and growth of the Society by maintenance and recruitment of members. This committee includes working groups for Student Awards and Special Interest Groups.


Adele Yellow (Chair) Jessica Aviles Nathan Bunyan
Laila Lachgar Maggie Hoerger

Education Committee

Purpose: Establish and maintain high standards of education for trainee and practising behaviour analysts. This committee includes a working group for Events and the Credentialing Task Force.

Jo Coulson (Chair) Claire Cotterill (co-opted) Emma Craig
Louise Denne (Co-opted) Leah Fennema Maggie Hoerger

Marketing and Communications Committee

Purpose: Ensure effective and accurate dissemination of all aspects of behaviour analysis, to allow members of the public to make informed choices. This committee includes a working group on Public Education.

Risca Solomon (Chair) Leah Fennema Rochelle Gray (co-opted) James Kiamtia-Cooper
Georgiana Koyama (co-opted) Andrew Swartfigure Jo Westley Marianne Wooldridge
UK-SBA Governance

The UK-SBA is constituted as a Company Limited by Guarantee and was incorporated on 27th April 2012.  The Company is registered under the Companies Act, registration number 08049087 England and Wales.

The governance of the Company is defined by its Model Articles of Association of UK-SBA which are filed at Companies House and by additional rules and regulations as determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.

Role of a UK-SBA Director

The Directors of the Board for the UK-SBA are collectively responsible for developing the long term strategy of the organisation. They also ensure the Board meets its legal obligations and its accountabilities as required by law.

The role descriptions are outlined in the UK-SBA Director Manual. This document also gives a full description of who can legally be appointed as a Director.  Directors must declare conflicts of interest and a register of Directors’ interest is maintained by the Board.

Co-opted Directors

The Directors may ask the membership to co-opt Directors on to the Board by putting a special resolution to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The Board may also co-opt Directors with specific skills between AGMs, but Directors co-opted between AGMs must stand down at the next AGM and do not count towards the third of Directors that must retire at the AGM.

Director (Consumer Interests)

The elected chair of the Consumer Advisory Board is the Director responsible for ensuring the views and interest of consumers are prioritised by the Board as per the Consumer Advisory Board Terms of ReferenceThe two roles; chairing the Consumer Advisory Board and serving as a Director (consumer interests), run co-terminously.  The Director (consumer interests) must retire from both positions by rotation in line with the rules for retirement for all directors as specified in the Model Articles of Association of UK-SBA The Director (consumer interests) also sits on the Public Protection and Benefit Committee.

Terms of Office of Directors

One third of the Board of the elected Directors must retire each year at the Annual General Meeting.  If the number of Directors is not a multiple of three, then the nearest number to one third must retire.

Student Representative

The student representative attends Board meetings and is elected bi-annually. They ensure the views and best interests of students are considered by the full Board. They are not a Director of the Company and can speak at Board meetings but do not have voting rights.

Board Meetings

Directors of the UK-SBA Board are expected to attend quarterly meetings in January, April, July and October.  Meetings typically last six hours and are held in London.  Additional meetings may be held. The proceedings of the Board meetings are conducted in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Model Articles of Association of UK-SBA 

Reimbursement of Expenses

The UK-SBA reimburses reasonable travel expenses to enable Directors to attend meetings.

Elections and Appointment of Directors

The election and appointment of Directors is governed by the Model Articles of Association of UK-SBA Elections are held annually and the result is announced and formally confirmed at the Annual General meeting.

The election process is overseen by the Election Committee, who will publish the process and criteria prior to the election.  The current paid up members are asked to nominate individuals, who must give their consent and be members of the organisation at the time of their nomination.  Candidates will be asked to submit a statement which will be made available to members prior to voting.


The Directors may delegate any of their powers or functions to a subcommittee of two or more Directors. All proceedings of any committees have to be fully and promptly reported back to the Board. All Directors may be asked to serve on sub-committees or represent the Board at formal and informal events.

Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) must be held each year. Not more than 15 months may elapse between successive AGMs. All members who have paid their dues for the membership year in which the AGM is held may attend. If a member can’t attend they may appoint another member as a proxy. The procedure for the AGM, including the timetable and regulations regarding proxy notices are contained within the Model Articles of Association of UK-SBA .  Directors of the UK-SBA give a full account of their work and their plans for the future at the AGM. The results of elections to the Board are announced and new Directors are formally ratified and appointed.