The UK-SBA Elections Committee is soliciting nominations for three posts of Director to the Board of the UK-SBA and one post of Student Representative to the Board of the UK-SBA for the forthcoming November 2020 elections.
All active Full, Associate and Affiliate Members are eligible to nominate and to be nominated for the post of Director to the Board.
All active Student Members are eligible to nominate for the post of Student Representative but only those Student Members studying at UK Universities are eligible for nomination for this position as per our membership criteria.
As an organisation that supports equality and diversity we recognise that our current Board is not reflective of the diversity within our membership or within our profession. We therefore encourage members of under-represented groups to put themselves forward for nomination.
Members should check their emails now for full information on how to make their nomination.
If you want to be involved in the nominations and elections process but are not currently a member now is a good time to join us or renew your membership.
We look forward to receiving your nominations!